06.23.11 – a thursday

If you’re reading this blog on a regular basis like you should, you’re aware that my best friend Harvey passed away this past November. But you’re probably unaware that April, Harv’s widow, has created a pretty superb blog of her own titled Running Rocks. Check it out.  


hornswoggle [hawrn-swog-uhl] v. Slang. to swindle, cheat, hoodwink or hoax


June Carter Cash (1929), Clarence Thomas (1948), Glenn Danzig (1955), Frances McDormand (1957), Joss Whedon (1964), Jason Mraz (1977)


About two weeks back, I decided to watch more news-type TV programs. The decision was completely arbitrary. I didn’t feel as if I was ill-informed and was perfectly capable of participating in conversations involving current events. And although some people who know me maintain I’m a liberal (which I’m not admitting to), I thought why not watch everything from every side of the fence? At the very least, it’d be informative and I’d come out on the other end a more knowledgeable person and feel better knowing more of the world around me.

But I don’t feel better at all. At least not yet.

Sure, I know that the current health status of the president of Yemen is not very good. I know that Republicans love to procreate. I know that we’re going to finally start pulling troops out of Afghanistan. I know that Prince Harry is into his brother’s new wife’s sister. I know that I don’t want to live in Greece. I know all that and much more.

But I’m not getting the satisfaction I thought I would. Watching all this news is muddling. And I’m fully cognizant that it might be my fault. I may be over-analyzing what I’m viewing but I can’t help it. I mean, everyone’s got a motive. It’s not only the national media and their eschewed coverage but even local newscasts run segments on its parent network’s reality shows.

So-called “news” is, on every level from top to bottom, simply promotion of one kind or another. They’re pushing angles, manipulating facts, steering interviews, etc., shooting for targets of all sizes. It’s murky, smoke-and-mirrors type shit, designed to over-stimulate and cause fear.

Granted, it’s not all that bad. The other day there was a story about a rescue cat who saved a woman’s life. That was kind of cool.


No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other’s worth ↔ Robert Southey


Caution: Hipsters will want to look away. Despite my dislike of Coldplay (I mean, c’mon, their new EP is titled Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall), I’ve always loved “Fix You.” And this version from The Voice‘s Javier Colon is worthy of some notice here.


Comcast has reintroduced The Slowskys ad campaign. In case you’re wondering where I stand on this issue, I’m pro. Very very pro.

Good for Lappy, one of the all-time great guys to ever don a Flyers’ sweater. Definitely could’ve used him last season.

All right, people, allow this guy to rest in peace. Let’s move on.

→ Set your DVRs. The second season of Louie starts tonight on FX. I’ll also be checking out Wilfred.